If you are looking for ways to increase traffic to your website without having to rely on constant social media, it’s time to optimize your website and learn about search engine optimization (SEO). It’s 2024, and people’s attention spans aren’t more than a few seconds when you want to stop the scroll on apps like TikTok and Instagram. Someone may end up on your profile, but they may not even get to your website on social media.

The best way to increase traffic to your website right now is with SEO. Lucky for you, I’m all about helping mompreneurs increase their visibility in Google’s Search Results. Keep reading this blog post to learn some of my top strategies for making your site more visible on Google. 

Don’t forget to download your free website audit to make sure that your website is in tip-top shape, just the way that Google likes!

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Understanding Google and Search Engine Visibility

In an online world dominated by Google searches, being visible on Google isn’t just beneficial for mompreneurs—it’s essential. Imagine having your website show up right when potential customers need your services or products. That’s the power of mastering search engine visibility. But how exactly does it work, and why is it so crucial for your success?

For mompreneurs, being seen on Google is like having a flagship store on every city’s main street. It means more eyes on your business, more clicks on your website from organic search, and ultimately, more viewers, subscribers, customers — you name it! Competition is fierce online, and ensuring your business stands out on Google can mean the difference between thriving and surviving.

This blog post clarifies what search engine visibility means, why Google is a key player, and practical strategies to enhance your online presence as a mompreneur. Whether you’re new to SEO or looking to refresh your knowledge, these insights will be invaluable in scaling your business and connecting with your audience more effectively.

Wondering who I am and how I can help you with your SEO? I’m Mikayla Taylor, your SEO strategist for mompreneurs! I’m passionate about helping women’s websites stand out on Google so they can spend less time stressing about marketing and more time doing what they love. I love chatting all things SEO, so let’s get into it!

What is search engine visibility?

Search engine visibility refers to how prominently your website appears in search engine results when users look for specific keywords or phrases related to your business. High visibility on Google’s organic search results means your site appears on the first page of search results, ideally among the top positions, which is critical as most users rarely venture beyond the first page!

Studies show that the first five organic search results account for 67.6% of all clicks on Google. This means if your website isn’t ranking high, you’re missing out on a significant amount of potential traffic and, consequently, potential business.

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What is Google important for visibility?

Google holds the lion’s share in the search engine market, commanding over 90% of the global search engine market as of 2024. This dominance means that Google sets the rules for search engine optimization (SEO) and is the primary source of organic traffic for most websites. A website’s visibility on Google directly influences its ability to attract new visitors and convert them into subscribers and, eventually, customers.

Google’s algorithms are designed to reward websites that offer high-quality, relevant content while penalizing those that attempt to manipulate rankings through unethical SEO practices. This makes it crucial for businesses, especially mompreneurs managing their online presence, to understand and align with Google’s guidelines to improve their search visibility and attract a steady flow of organic traffic.

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Improving Your Website’s Visibility on Google

In 2024, visibility on Google is essential for mompreneurs looking to drive more passive traffic to her website. Here’s a guide on how to incorporate essential SEO strategies to get your website up at the top of Google’s organic search results.

P.S. – This framework is covered in detail inside the Search Engine Success Website Planner, the Course, and the Lab Membership!

1) Understanding audience and competitors

If you want to make sure your website shows up on the first page of Google, the first step is to see what websites are already ranking there! By knowing what Google likes and is already displaying at the top of the search results, you can find valuable ways to improve your content and outrank your competitors. Knowing what your website likes and what people search for to find creators and businesses like yours is a crucial step to improving website SEO.

  • Conduct keyword research to understand what your target audience is searching for on Google
  • Analyze competitors’ websites to identify their strengths and weaknesses in search rankings
  • Utilize tools like Google Analytics to get insights into your audience’s preferences and behaviors

2) User-driven content strategy

Any online marketing campaign will include some content, and SEO is no different! To show up on Google and drive more traffic to your website, it’s important to think of your audience first when creating new content. It’s about doing strategic keyword research and including them in your content so you can show up in the search results for those keywords!

  • Develop content that resonates with your audience, answering their queries and providing valuable information
  • Ensure your content adheres to Google’s E-E-A-T guidelines and optimize your page titles for better search engine ranking
  • Incorporate target keywords naturally to improve the relevance of your content to search queries

3) Building authority with your expertise

Google uses backlinks to determine the trustworthiness and authority of your website. Website owners should consider off-page SEO, or backlink building when working on SEO. Google takes the number of backlinks into consideration when displaying websites in search results. Use tools like moz.com to check your domain authority and the number of backlinks you currently have.

Just because you have a low number of backlinks doesn’t mean you won’t rank on the first page of Google. You can increase your domain authority and number of backlinks with tools like Connectively and Qwoted. It’s important to include off-page SEO in your overall search engine optimization strategy!

  • Share your unique knowledge and experience through comprehensive guides, case studies, and original research
  • Engage in guest blogging and influencer outreach to build a robust backlink profile, which is crucial for SEO
  • Create valuable content that naturally attracts high-quality backlinks, establishing your site’s authority
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4) Optimizing user experience

It’s important to make sure your website loads fast for users and for Google’s SEO spiders. Better visibility on Google and Bing starts with website speed and user experience! Search engines like Google take your page speed into consideration for SEO results. Many people will blog regularly, and not realize they have 0 visibility on search due to poor loading times and user experience. You can submit your website for indexing — Google’s index is the search engine library, which determines a website’s visibility in Google search! — If your site is not being properly indexed, it’s possible you have some user experience issues to sort out.

  • Enhance your website’s design and navigation for a seamless user experience, which is a key factor in Google’s ranking algorithm
  • Optimize your site’s page speed and mobile responsiveness, as these are crucial for higher search engine rankings
  • Regularly test your site’s performance on various devices to ensure optimal functionality and user experience

5) Tracking website performance

Improving your website visibility on Google is all about tracking your performance over time. You may appear on Google for a keyword for a few weeks, just for a competitor to update their content, and you are back in a lower spot. As bloggers, we constantly search for new ways to grow and get eyes on your content. Continue to review the metrics for your website with Google Search Console to see how your SEO efforts are performing.

  • Use tools like Google Search Console can provide data to monitor your website’s performance and visibility on Google
  • Analyze key metrics such as organic search traffic, bounce rate, and conversion rates to gauge SEO effectiveness
  • Adjust your SEO strategies based on performance data to continually improve your site’s visibility in Google’s search results
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Using Google Tools for Enhanced Visibility

Maximizing your website’s visibility on Google is crucial for driving more traffic, and ultimately growing your business. Two key tools offered by Google can help you achieve this: Google Search Console and Google Business Profile.

Utilizing Google Search Console

Google Search Console is an invaluable resource for monitoring and optimizing your website’s presence in Google search results. It helps you understand how Google views your site, allowing you to adjust for better performance. Use it to submit sitemaps, check indexing status, view search traffic data, and understand what social media campaigns are driving the most traffic to your site!

I can get a bit obsessive about checking Google Search Console, especially the achievment certificates when you reach certain SEO milestones.

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Creating and optimizing your Google Business Profile (Local Business Owners)

If you are a local business owner or have a local component to your business (like a trainer offering classes virtually and in-person), a Google Business Profile is essential for local SEO and increasing visibility in local search results. It allows you to manage your online presence across Google, including Search and Maps.

By providing accurate and up-to-date information about your business, you make it easier for customers to find you through their searches. Encourage customers to leave reviews on your Google Business Profile. Positive reviews can enhance your credibility and increase your visibility on Google!

Other Strategies to Increase Visibility

  • Leveraging Social MediaUtilizing social media platforms and Google Ads can boost your website’s visibility and help Google find your website. Regularly share content from your site, engage with your audience, and use social media to drive traffic back to your website.
  • Quality Backlinks: Building a portfolio of high-quality backlinks from authoritative websites is a proven strategy to enhance your visibility in Google’s search results.
  • Optimized ContentCreating well-optimized, high-quality content, and optimized page titles that resonate with your audience can significantly improve your ranking on search engines and increase your visibility on Google My Business.
  • Mobile Optimization: With the majority of searches now on mobile, ensure your site is mobile-friendly to cater to this growing audience

Using Google’s tools effectively, along with implementing other key SEO strategies, can significantly enhance your website’s visibility on Google. For mompreneurs, navigating these tools can be the turning point in driving more organic traffic, reaching the right audience, and ultimately growing your business.

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Wondering what SEO tools are the best for your website platform? Check out these blog posts.

Remember, SEO is a rapidly changing field, and staying ahead of the latest trends and updates from Google is crucial for maintaining and enhancing your visibility in search results. With the right approach and continuous effort, achieving rankings on the first page of Google is an attainable goal!

Want my support with your website right now? Here’s how I can help:

And make sure to grab your FREE SEO website audit below!

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