How to Attract Clients with your Website Services Page

Writing a Services Page for your Website Copy

If you’re an online service provider, your website services page needs to be thorough and well-thought-out. Think about it. Your website services page is where your audience will go when considering hiring you. It’s a vital page for your site! 

The website services page is where your audience can learn all about what your business offers and what you can help them accomplish, and it also gives them a good feel for your business. Ever heard the saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”? That applies here. You want your website services page to make such an amazing first impression on your potential clients or customers that they don’t even think of going elsewhere.

Worried your services page can’t close the deal? Read on for my five steps for attracting dream clients with your service page!

Top Website Copy Tips for your Services Page 

Step One: Define Your Audience

If you sell to everybody, you sell to nobody. Your website services page needs to broadcast who you are trying to convert into a paying customer.

The more specific you can be about your target audience, the better.

Think about it this way: if your services page tries to attract everyone, it will fail to speak to anyone. But if you get specific about your ideal client, you can give them exactly what they’re looking for.

So, get detailed with this! The more specific you can be with your ideal client or audience, the better.

If you’re feeling stuck here, I always recommend trying to answer the following questions with your target audience in mind:

❓Who are you writing to?

❓What are their needs and wants?

❓What are their pain points?

All these little details help you craft your offers for a specific person, and that is what will sell on your services page! Once you have answered those questions, your ideal audience will have more clarity on the transformation you will provide them, and the focus of your desired message will be easier to craft.

How you frame your content can also make it clear what goals you’re aiming towards! My first paid freelance project was helping a new local business create a pitch deck for investors. Framing this content for that purpose – for example, taking investment from Energy Innovation Capital, made it worthwhile! Especially when networking within specific commercial spaces, your introductory content is what speaks for you. There’s nothing more powerful than a simple, well-crafted, correctly delivered introduction.

Step Two: Write an Attention-Grabbing Headline

A great headline draws people in and convinces them to stick around for a while. And guess what? People who aren’t excited about what you’re selling don’t tend to convert into paying clients! Boring and generic headlines don’t excite people.

If your headline doesn’t make people want to learn more about what you have to offer, they won’t stick around long enough to read the rest of your services page.

That’s why step two of this post on how to write a services page that converts is all about writing headlines that hook your audience in. You can do that by:

  • Keeping your headlines short, sweet, and to the point
  • Using powerful words to convey emotion (“incredible” or “transformative”)
  • Creating a sense of urgency (like, “today only” or “last chance”)

An attention-grabbing headline is clear, concise, and compelling. If you absolutely cannot think of a good headline for your website services page, I suggest checking out a headline generator online just to get your creative juices flowing. Sometimes we all just need a nudge in the right direction before inspiration strikes! Check out my blog post to learn more tips and tools for writing engaging copywriting headlines. 

Step Three: Use Clear and Concise Language

As you’re writing your content, remember that people seek out solutions to their problems. So make sure you’re addressing those needs in your website copy.

The language you use on your services page should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. No one wants to read a long-winded essay about your product or service.

Not to sound like a broken record.. but I always share how copywriting isn’t about using the fanciest words or language. It’s about communicating in a relatable way!

Remember, people are looking for answers to their questions, so make sure you’re providing those solutions in a way that is easy for them to understand. If you need help with this, try reading your services page copy aloud. If it sounds like something you would say out loud to a friend, then you’re on the right track!

Another tip is to use active voice as much as possible. For example, “I will help you increase your conversion rate” sounds much better than “Your conversion rate will be increased by me.” Active voice is more direct and easier to understand, which is what you want on your services page.

It’s essential to use clear and concise language, so your audience knows exactly what you provide and how their lives will change as a result.

You want to ensure that your services page focuses on what your ideal customer wants and the transformation your service provides, not what you want or what’s included in your offer. This can be a difficult shift to make in your thinking, but it’s worth it!

Step Four: Address Your Reader’s Needs

Answer this question: How will your product/service make a big difference in your ideal client’s life?

Your potential customer needs to be confident that you can provide this big transformation. Now, put that answer on your website services page! 

The best way to do this is by using testimonials, social proof, and results-driven language. For example, you might say something like, “I’ve helped 100 women start their own businesses in the last year.” This type of language will help your potential customers feel confident that you can provide the transformation they are looking for.

If you don’t have any testimonials yet, that’s okay! You can still use results-driven language to show your potential customers what you’re capable of. After all, you have the knowledge, experience, and drive that got you to be a business owner in the first place. So be confident, and show off your stuff online! And if you need help with this, consider working with a copywriter for businesswomen.

Since a services page usually lists multiple offers, you can also share a brief blurb of pain points and results for each. That way, your audience can look through your website and decide which offer is the best fit for them based on what they are struggling with in the moment. Ultimately, you want to be clear and confident about what you do, and how you can help them. That clarity and confidence will get you sales.

Step Five: Include a Call-To-Action

Look, we all know a call-to-action is vital for almost all website copy, but it’s especially essential on your website services page. After all, this is where you are making your final pitch! If you want people to take action on your services page, then you need to tell them exactly what to do. So whether it is “buy now,” “join the waitlist” or “book a free discovery call”, you need to have that information clearly laid out on your services page. A strong call-to-action will encourage people to take the next step, whether that’s signing up for your email list or scheduling a consultation. 

Make Sure Your Website Services Page Shines

I hope you learned something from my five steps for making your website services page shine! Remember, your website services page needs to tell your audience what you can do for them and how you can do it. If you follow the website copy tips in this blog post, then you’ll be well on your way to having a website services page that converts!

If you liked the tips in this blog post and are looking for more direction from an experienced copywriter for businesswomen to guide you as you write your website copy, stay tuned for my new program, the Conversion Copy Bootcamp! In this program, you’ll gain access to exclusive spreadsheets, prompts, and outlines for writing a high-converting website. Join my newsletter to learn when enrollment will open for a limited time! 

Stuck writing website copy and need more ideas? Check out my other blog posts:

5 Essential Pages to Include on Your Small Business Website

7 Easy Tips for a Standout Contact Page

How to Write Engaging Website Copy for your About Page

10 Tips for Writing Website Copy for Your Home Page

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