7 Easy Tips for a Standout Contact Page

Your website’s contact page might seem like the easiest, most no-brainer, stress-free part of your website, but you would be surprised by how many people make theirs difficult to use and inaccessible. 

So, don’t overlook it when it comes to writing effective conversion copy for your website! Your website’s contact page is one of the most essential pages on your site. This is the place where people come to reach out to you with questions, feedback, or comments. 

Using effectively written website copy, your contact page can help you build trust and rapport with your audience. It also gives them an easy way to get in touch with you when needed. 

The contact page on your website is absolutely VITAL, and too many people fail to see that. There’s nothing worse than going to a contact page with a question for someone and being unable to navigate how to get in touch with them. Your contact page needs to be clear, concise, and convenient. Otherwise, your ideal client may have difficulty finding out how to work with you!

7 Easy Tips for a Standout Contact Page Pinterest3

Read on for my seven easy tips to make your contact page truly stand out!

1. Keep it simple.

This is not the place to overdesign or write lengthy website copy. You don’t want to lose out on potential customers because they leave your site frustrated after spending more than a few seconds searching for the best way to contact you. The contact page has a purpose, and your primary job is to help it serve that purpose. 

The easiest way to do that? Make sure your contact page is easy to find and easy to use. Include all your contact information, and make sure it is up-to-date and displayed prominently. 

2. Be available.

The goal of your contact page is so people can get a hold of you, right? Well, make sure you’re checking the inbox that receives their queries! Many people have multiple email addresses – one for subscriptions, one for work, one for personal use, and on and on. Don’t set up your contact page to send messages to an account you don’t frequently check. 

If you can, put a contact form on your contact page so that your audience doesn’t need to navigate back to their email account – you will get more messages if you make it as easy as possible for your audience. 

3. Be responsive.

There’s nothing worse than sending a question or comment to someone and then just hearing *crickets* for days and days. It’s important to respond to the messages you receive via your contact page promptly. This will show your audience that you value their feedback and are interested in hearing from them. Plus, it’s just good customer service!

4. Offer multiple channels. 

In today’s online world, most people have many ways to keep in touch with their audience. If you don’t include all of those on your contact page, you could miss out on a lot of engagement and interaction! 

Having a contact form on your site is important, but so is including all the other ways for your audience to keep in contact with you. Do you have an Instagram account? Link it! Are you on LinkedIn like KeySource Acquisition? Make sure that’s on your contact page! Do you have an email list? Make it easy to subscribe! 

5. Keep it updated.

It doesn’t do you any good to have a perfectly designed contact page with effective website copy if the information you have on it is not updated. Keep your contact information up to date! Make sure any changes in your email, social media, or email list are reflected on your website. You want to make sure everyone in your audience can get a hold of you when they need to – keeping your website’s contact page updated ensures that they can.

6. Make it user-friendly.

Remember in tip number one when I told you to keep it simple? Making your contact page user-friendly is just as important. If you aren’t sure what a user-friendly contact page looks like, I would suggest visiting the contact pages of your most visited websites and taking some notes. 

A user-friendly contact page can really improve your audience’s experience. If they can get in touch with you easily one time, they will be more likely to visit your site and contact you again!

7. Monitor what’s working.

You can’t just create a contact page, and then abandon it forever. You have to monitor what is and isn’t working. 

Are you getting a ton of spam via your contact form? You definitely want to investigate how to eliminate those messages!  Are people messaging you on Instagram because they aren’t getting responses when they send you a message via your contact page? It’s time to examine why that is.

To be 100% honest, my contact page could use some major updating. It’s a simple form, and I get spam emails daily! I’m going to make some tweaks and I’ll be sure to update this post with the results!!

Make sure you look into the good things your contact page is doing, too. How many new email subscribers do you have now that your contact page is functioning well? Have you received good feedback via the form on your contact page? Has your follower count increased on social media after linking it to your site? 

Don’t be afraid to update this page as needed, or make a change that will improve your business and customer relationships. 

Your contact page is important – don’t forget about it!

A good contact page helps your audience get in touch with you. Does your contact page do that? I hope the seven tips I provided above allow you to either reassess your current contact page or help you create a quality one from scratch! 

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