Don’t have time to read all 133 blog ideas for therapists and counseling professionals? Save it for later on Pinterest!
As a mental health professional, you know the importance of getting new visitors to your website. After all, your website is how new patients will find you, engage with you, and book your services.
Blunt Therapy says a blog is the best way to establish yourself with new patients. But how are you supposed to find the time to consistently update your website and blog with quality content if you’re running a business??
Never fear – I’m here to help you! Let me help you reduce the mental load of your job by taking this one thing off your plate. I created 133 content ideas for therapists and mental health professionals for you to save, make your own, and publish to your own website. These content ideas will give you a starting point for your therapist blog.
Plus, using one of these content ideas each week will give you enough blog posts for over two years!
Keep reading to see my 133 content ideas for mental health professionals and therapists.
(Don’t have a blog yet, but are excited to start one? Check out my post The Truth About Blogging in 2023, for all the info you need!)
Try These Blog Post Ideas for Mental Health Professionals
Day in the Life of a Mental Health Professional
Take your website visitors with you through a typical day. Make each hour of the day a heading and then write out a 1 – 2 sentence description underneath each one. Make sure to link to your appointment setting page at the end so new blog readers know how to work with you.
Mental Health Awareness Month (May)
Publish this blog idea in May (or late April). How is your practice commemorating Mental Health Awareness month? You could create a list of ten things you want people to know about mental health and link to different resources for each one. Remember, including links in your blog posts will help you to rank higher with search engines.
ADHD Awareness Month (October)
Write out a list of strategies people with ADHD can use to help them in their daily lives. Repurpose this content into a social media post or Reel. Ask your followers if they have any other tips for you!
National Depression and Mental Health Screening Month (October)
Help your website visitors learn how to get screened for depression with this blog idea for therapists. What does the screening look like? How long does it take? Can they do this screening via telehealth? Try and put your readers at ease by explaining the process in detail for them. (Mental Health America has a good online quiz you can link to as well.)
5 Most Common Mental Health Disorders in Children
If you treat children at your mental health practice, make sure your appointment link is throughout this blog post. Describe each of the mental health disorders in a short paragraph so that your post is easily skimmable.
Should Your Child See a Therapist?
Obviously you cannot diagnose anything via a blog post, but you should probably have a disclaimer throughout this one as you aim to help readers decide if their child should make an appointment with you. If you have questions about disclaimers on your website, read my blog post Content Creators Need These Forgotten Legal Pages for their Blog.
7 Benefits of Taking Your Child to a Mental Health Professional
Write this list-style blog to be easy to understand and read quickly. Make the paragraphs short and utilize lots of text features like headings (for each benefit), bullet points, and photos.
Mental Health Professionals: Surprising Things We Can Help With
What would website visitors be surprised you help with? List those out and describe how you and your mental health practice assist patients with each one.
Did You Know [something in your field]?
If you have a particular niche in the mental health or therapy world, this is the perfect place to discuss it. Write about something that most people don’t know, and include links to elevate your authority. This will help your readers to see you as an expert in your field, which will, in turn, build trust.
Foundations of Therapy
Tell the readers of this blog idea for mental health professionals all about the history and foundations of therapy. What is something you find most interesting? Including photos and links throughout the post will help to break up the text and make it easier for people to read.
Client Success Story
A lot of what you do as a mental health professional is bound by privacy laws. If you have a patient who is willing to let you talk about his/her/their story, use this blog post to do it. You don’t have to show their face or use their real name, but you definitely need their permission to share their private medical history.
Why Seeing a Mental Health Professional During Pregnancy is a Good Idea
Many women are so busy when they are pregnant that they forget to take care of their mental health. This blog post should persuade them to make an appointment with you (or another mental health professional). Don’t be shy when listing all the benefits of therapy!
Should You See a Therapist When You’re Postpartum?
Postpartum depression affects one in seven women. Your job in this blog post is to convince them to make an appointment with your mental health practice. What can you do to help them? How are you uniquely qualified to help them through this difficult period?
5 Signs You Have PPD
This content idea for therapists should be written as a list, with each heading a sign or symptom of PPD. Write a brief paragraph explaining each sign. Make your call to action at the end of the post a link to set up an appointment with your practice.
Managing Your Mental Health By Managing Your Space
Tell your website visitors how they can manage their mental health just by organizing their lives a little bit differently. If you want to build trust and credibility, I suggest taking a before and after picture of a space in your house you have reorganized. Tell readers how that small change has helped your mental health.
How Feng Shui Can Help Your Mental Health
First, go over a few of the major tenets of feng shui. Then, discuss how feng shui can help with mental health. Repurpose this content idea for mental health professionals into a social media post, Reel, or TikTok that shows before and after photos of a room in your home.
Is Meditation Right For You?
Meditation is huge in the mental health space right now. Rather than give readers instructions on HOW to meditate, use this blog post to help them figure out if they should. List all the benefits of meditation, being sure to link to articles that backup your claims.
My Favorite Meditation Tips
Create a list-style blog post where each tip is a heading with a short explanation underneath. You can link to favorite ambiance videos, apps, or mantras if you want as well!
6 Hacks For Fitting Meditation Into Your Day
Many people want to meditate, but struggle to find the time! Your job with this blog post idea for therapists is to teach all website visitors that they DO have time to meditate – they just need some help figuring out how to fit it in. Repurpose this blog post into a Reel or TikTok and share it on your social media channels.
Top 5 Meditation Apps
For each app you list in this blog post, include a photo of the app, pricing, link to purchase or download, a short description, and your personal review. Your review should be two or three sentences describing what you like (and dislike!) about each app.
Does Exercise Help Your Mental Health?
You likely need to write more than just “yes” or “no” for this blog post, so create a list of reasons WHY exercise helps mental health and list them out, along with a short explanation for each. If you want you can even link some beginner exercise programs at the end of your blog (and they don’t have to be gym-related. Think: walking, couch to 5k, etc.).
7 Tips for Getting Outside During Your Work Day
Your blog doesn’t only have to cover traditional mental health topics. You can write about anything that you think your current or potential patients might benefit from. Going outside has been proven to improve mental health, so this blog post should discuss that before launching into the tips for getting outside during the work day.
10 Symptoms of Depression
The purpose of this blog is to inform and educate. Link to articles about depression and include a list of linked resources at the end of the post for anyone who is currently battling depression (or is trying to help someone with depression). Encourage readers to make an appointment with you or another mental health therapist for a professional evaluation and diagnosis.
Talk Therapy FAQs
FAQ blog posts for mental health professionals tend to be fairly easy to write because you just need to answer questions you’ve likely already answered many times before! Create a list of these questions (no more than ten) and then provide a short answer for each one.
How to Help Someone Who is Grieving
Chances are if someone finds this specific blog idea for mental health professionals it is because they need the information in it to help someone in their life. For that reason, write with kindness and care, while making the text easy to read and skim. Include a link for an appointment with you in case they need to speak to a professional about grief or loss.
The Science Behind Talk Therapy
You will need to link to reputable, quality sources for this blog post. Creating a more educational blog like this one will help to establish you as an authority in the field of mental health.
6 Benefits of Seeing a Mental Health Professional
This list-style blog post should make each benefit a heading with a paragraph explanation underneath each one. I suggest using text features and short paragraphs throughout the post to make this easily skimmable for readers.
Therapy Via Telehealth: Is It Right For You?
Telehealth became really popular during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many people prefer to handle appointments virtually now that it is a more accepted option. How do your patients decide whether to see you in-person or virtually? Create a blog that helps potential clients answer this question.
Need therapy & mental health social media templates to accompany your blog ideas & share across your platforms? I LOVE grabbing all my templates from Creative Market! (This is an affiliate link, which means I earn a small commission should you choose to purchase a template!
Powered by Creative MarketCommon Misconceptions About Seeing a Therapist
Many people are nervous about seeing a therapist. Blog post ideas like this are designed to make potential patients feel comfortable about finding a mental health professional. Alleviate their fears by countering those misconceptions and encouraging them to book an appointment with you to find out more.
Common Misconceptions About Talk Therapy
For this content idea for therapists, create a list of all the misconceptions you have encountered about talk therapy. Discuss each one in a short paragraph and be sure to link to articles or web pages that back up your claims.
Commonly Asked Questions for a First Therapy Appointment
Create a list of questions (no more than ten) you have been asked during or before a first therapy appointment. Use conversational, friendly language throughout this post – the purpose here is to make clients feel at ease.
What to Expect During Your Therapy Appointment
Take website visitors through the entire process of a therapy appointment. Place a lot of photos throughout the text of this blog, and try to include your best guess for timing as well. Don’t skip any steps – you want potential clients to feel like they know exactly what they will encounter when they walk in the door!
An Office or Facility Tour
This blog post will help new patients feel more comfortable coming to their first appointment. For your blog, include a lot of photos with short descriptions. For your social media accounts, I would suggest making this a video tour or Instagram Live.
Meet the Staff
If you have office staff, use this blog post to introduce them! You can even link this blog post on your contact page or repurpose it into a short Reel or TikTok for social media. Include each staff member’s photo, name, contact information, basic information (like how long they have been with the practice, their education, etc.) and then a few fun things (favorite music, best vacation, etc.).
My Background as a Mental Health Professional
Use this blog post to humanize yourself and show clients who you are and why you got into the field. This will help them to feel connected to you and your story. Sondermind states that being open with your patients about some aspects of your life will increase their comfort level during sessions.
What is Compassion Fatigue?
This is a blog post directed towards fellow therapists, rather than potential or current clients. Even though this post may not directly get you new clients, it will help to establish you as an expert in your field (which DOES help you get clients!). Repurpose this blog post into a social media post or TikTok to share it with others in your field.
Is Therapy Confidential?
Explain the basics of HIPAA and the importance of confidentiality between therapists and clients. Next, write about some examples where a therapist might have to breach confidentiality.
Foundations of Psychology
Give a brief overview of the foundations of psychology, while also adding in your personal thoughts about the field. That will help to make the blog post idea for mental health professionals feel more personal, while still being educational for your readers.
5 Things About Marriage Counseling That May Surprise You
Try and back up each claim you make in this blog post with evidence that is supported by research. Remember that linking to quality websites or articles will improve your ranking with search engines!
How to Know If You Need Couples Counseling
Treat this blog topic with care and sensitivity since the people seeking out the answer to this question are likely wrestling with some tough stuff. Include a list of additional resources for readers to check out, along with an appointment link at the end of the post. If website visitors feel like you understand their problems they will be more likely to schedule an appointment with you.
The Dos and Don’ts of Couples Counseling
You can format this one of two ways: Group all the Dos together (say, items 1-4 in your list) and all the Don’ts together (items 5-8) or create your list by following a pattern of Do, Don’t, Do, Don’t, etc. Both versions are fine – it is just your personal preference.
What to Expect at Your First Couples Counseling Appointment
This blog post will be similar to topic 32 (what to expect at your first therapy appointment), so feel free to link to it in the body of this blog. Highlight what is different about coming in for couples therapy versus coming in individually.
How to Get the Most Out of Your Therapy Visits
Include practical, tangible tips as well as more cerebral tips in this blog post. For instance, your first tip might be to “be on time” (a practical tip), while your next might be about clearing your mind or working on your mindset. Both types of tips will be useful, and it will be helpful to your patients to have a variety to choose from.
11 Surprising Ways Sleep Affects Your Mental Health
Since this blog post idea for therapists is going to rely heavily on scientific evidence, spend some time doing a little bit of research into this topic before you begin writing. You will have more credibility if you provide links to the scientific articles and websites you reference (and it will help your ranking with search engines!).
5 Things Your Therapist Won’t Do
People have many misconceptions about the role of a therapist. Use this blog post to combat some of those misconceptions and inform readers of the things a therapist is capable of doing, and the things they cannot do.
Why Some Mental Health Professionals Aren’t Covered By Insurance
This informative and educational blog post should be written to be easily skimmable – after all, people who are reading it are looking for quick answers to their insurance questions! Utilize a lot of text features, photos, headings, and links.
How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce
This is a sensitive topic, so write with care and understanding. Include different linked resources throughout the blog that parents may find helpful. End the blog with a link to your appointment book in case readers would like to come up with a strategy with a therapist before they enter into this discussion.
How to Talk to Your Aging Parents About Your Mental Health
The importance of caring for our own mental health has become more normalized in the past ten years. Sometimes older generations struggle with open discussions about mental health. Use this blog post idea for mental health professionals to offer tips for those who want to broach the subject with adults or parents from an older generation.
Certain Foods Can Improve Your Mental Health
This list-style blog post would also do really well as a social media post, Reel, or TikTok! Repurpose your blog content and then share it on social media. Include information in the caption that refers people to your blog for more information (or to make an appointment with you).
Questions to Ask Your Mental Health Professional Before You Get Started
Create a list of no more than ten questions you think would be valuable for new patients to ask during or before their first appointments. Make each question a heading and then write a short paragraph under each one explaining why you think they are important.
“What’s In Your Notebook Anyway?” All the Questions You’ve Ever Wanted to Ask Your Therapist
Ask your social media followers to help you create this content idea for mental health professionals. Put up a question box in your Instagram stories (always great for engagement!) and invite them to send you all the questions they’ve always wanted to ask their therapists. Take the best ones and answer them in your blog! Don’t forget to share the final blog post on your social media accounts.
How to Know if a Therapist is Right For You
What do you think makes a good patient/therapist relationship? Do demographics matter? Do you need to have a session before deciding? In this blog idea for therapists, give your opinion on this topic and include your advice for those seeking a therapist.
Top 3 Reasons Seniors See Mental Health Professionals
Target this blog post towards seniors and their caregivers. Readers are likely looking for confirmation that seeing a mental health professional is the correct course of action. Make your tone reassuring and kind.
Why Walking Helps Your Mental Health
Once you have explained the benefits of walking, you could include a list of resources to help readers get outside and walk! Resources could include links to different playlists, a walking program, your favorite audiobooks, or even an article reviewing the best walking shoes.
Brain Chemistry 101
For this science-based blog post, you need to make sure website visitors see you as the authority. Link to quality articles throughout and explain the science behind brain chemistry in simple terms so all can understand.
Do All Mental Health Disorders Require Prescription Medication?
Write this blog post as though you are speaking to a friend. Use a relaxed, conversational tone. You may want to list the most common mental health disorders that do require medication and the most common mental health disorders that do not (be sure to include a disclaimer that your post is not meant to be taken as medical advice).
7 Reasons Prescription Medication Might Be The Right Choice For You
A disclaimer that this blog post is not medical advice should be placed at the beginning of your text. Then, make each reason a heading and explain it in a short paragraph underneath. If you want to make it easier to read quickly you could add in a stock photo before each heading.
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What Are The Different Types of Mental Health Professionals?
Introduce each type of mental health professional and then discuss their licensure requirements, what they focus on, and why you may want to see each one. Make sure that when you are writing about the type of mental health professional that you are, that you include a link to your appointment page!
Common Misconceptions About Mental Health Professionals
Create a list of 5-10 misconceptions you have heard about mental health professionals and describe each one in this list-style blog post. It would be ok to make a couple of them a little silly or ridiculous. This is meant to be a lighthearted blog that shows potential patients that you are a human being, not a judgmental robot.
How to Become a Mental Health Professional
What does the path towards becoming a mental health professional look like? What schooling is necessary? What practicums are the most popular? Do you have to do continued training once you have your license? Explain the answers to these questions (and others you come up with) in this blog post.
What Does Therapy Look Like?
As I’m sure you know, therapy can look differently for different people. For this content idea for therapists write in general terms about the various types of therapy and how a patient might experience them.
Before/After With a Patient
This blog post may be tricky if you do not have a patient willing to share about their experiences with your practice. If you cannot find someone comfortable with that, you could always change their name and keep some of the details of their therapy experience general. Approach patients who you think would give you and your practice a rave review.
Identifying Trauma
What are the steps to identifying trauma? What constitutes trauma? Can something be traumatic for one person, but not another? Answer these questions, along with any additional ones you come up with, in the body of this blog post idea for mental health professionals.
What Does It Mean to Be “Triggered”?
This is a relatively new vocabulary word that has made its way into the lexicon. First, define the term. Then, discuss what could trigger someone. Next, give some suggestions for working through a triggering situation.
TV Shows With the Best Mental Health Representation
This could be a post you revisit over and over again since new television shows premiere all the time. For each show, make the title of the show a heading and then give a short description underneath. After the show description, write your review about its treatment of mental health. Then, link to where website visitors can watch!
My Favorite Feel-Good Playlist
Spend some time creating a playlist before writing this blog post. Write about why you included some songs, what makes a feel-good playlist, and when you like to listen to this playlist. You may also want to discuss the benefits of feel-good music for your mental health.
Can Music Affect Your Mental Health?
Link to articles or websites that provide more information on this topic. Even though you are writing to inform in this blog post, you can still insert your personal experiences throughout the text. How has music impacted your mental health? When has music improved your mood?
What to Do When You Need a Break
Give your readers three easy ways to take a break during the hustle and bustle of everyday life. What can they do to reset? How can they take a break without it impacting their work day? How can they tell others around them they are in need of a break?
3 Podcasts About Mental Health I Love
You may want to reach out to the podcasts you are going to be featuring to let them know in case they would like to promote your blog post when it goes live. Repurpose this blog into a social media post or TikTok so they can share it easily on their own accounts!
How Often Should You See A Mental Health Professional?
The answer to this question is obviously going to be different for everyone, so be sure to state that at the beginning of your blog (along with a medical advice disclaimer). Write in general terms about the frequency of visits for types of mental health disorders just to give readers a basic idea for the timing of their future appointments.
Will Going On Vacation Derail Your Therapy Progress?
Publish this blog post at the beginning of summer when most people are likely to go on vacation. Discuss the strategies you give your patients when they are going on vacation and won’t be able to see you for an appointment. Make the tone of this blog post reassuring and calm.
The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Going to Therapy
Be honest in this blog post, but do not be cruel or mean-spirited. What have you seen patients do that ended up being detrimental to their progress? How would you have handled things? What do you suggest for someone who has already made one of those mistakes?
10 Facts About Anxiety Disorders
Create a list-style blog that explains each of the ten facts you are featuring in this blog. Make the end of your post a link to your appointment book so that anyone who would like to be evaluated for an anxiety disorder can speak with you about it.
What Does Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Look Like?
Describe the general symptoms and characteristics of PTSD in this blog post. It would be beneficial to your readers if you also spent some time going over the less common symptoms or characteristics of this mental health disorder.
9 Things That Will Surprise You About PTSD
Make this list-style blog informative, but full of personal anecdotes you have gleaned from your practice. This will help readers to see you as caring and trustworthy. Your call to action should strongly encourage readers to schedule an appointment with you.
Pro tip: Repurpose your blog content across your social media platforms for maximum visibility! Need therapy & mental health social media templates to share across your platforms? I LOVE grabbing all my templates from Creative Market! (This is an affiliate link, which means I earn a small commission should you choose to purchase a template!
Powered by Creative MarketService Dogs FAQ
You can outsource the questions for this blog post to your social media followers. Ask them to submit questions via a question box in your Instagram stories and then build your blog around the questions that come up the most often. Be sure to share the post to your account when it is live so your followers can read it!
Do You Need an Emotional Support Animal?
What type of mental health disorders benefit the most from an emotional support animal? Are there places in your area that train emotional support animals? If so, include a lot of local keyword phrases so that people in your geographic area will see your article when investigating whether or not a service animal is right for them.
My Tips for Traveling With A Service Animal
Look at airline policies for service animals and link to those throughout this content idea for mental health professionals. Include some common sense tips, as well as tips specific to emotional support animals since those are becoming more and more popular.
What Is The Training Like For A Service Animal?
If you don’t know much about the training for a service animal you can do one of two things. One: You could do a lot of research before writing and create a blog with a lot of links and information. Two: You could reach out to a service animal organization and ask them to either do a guest post on your blog or participate in an interview with you. If they choose to do an interview, you can just publish the transcription as your blog post! (There are many websites that will transcribe an audio file – one I have used in the past is
How to Protect Your Mental Health
What are some ways you recommend your patients work towards protecting themselves? This blog idea for therapists will be more engaging if you give examples of when a reader may want to employ your techniques. For instance, you could talk about a stressful family gathering or an important meeting at work.
The Best Part About Being A Mental Health Professional
What are your favorite things about working in your field? Write about them here! Include photos of you or your office in order to make the blog more personal. The goal with this post is for potential patients to see you as a person, not just a random therapist they know nothing about.
5 Things You Wish You Knew Before Becoming a Mental Health Professional
Write this blog post with fellow mental health therapists in mind. I’m sure you have had many conversations with others in your field about the things that surprised you after you got licensed – use those conversations to guide the outline of this post.
My 3 Favorite Business Tools
Just because the majority of your blogs are about mental health, doesn’t mean they all have to be! You run a practice – that means you need to be a businessperson as well! Discuss your three favorite business tools, and mention why each of them works so well for you as a mental health professional.
Why You Decided To Become a Mental Health Professional
Think of this blog idea for mental health professionals as your story. What motivated you to pursue mental health as a career? If you have extra certifications or licenses, what made you want to get them? How has being a mental health professional changed your life for the better?
Top Mental Health Tips to Live By
These can be personal to you. What are your biggest tips for mental health? Why do you like them so much? How have they positively impacted your life?
How Therapy Can Help You Get Better Sleep
After you discuss the topic of this blog post, you could also give your tips for setting up a calming sleep environment. Help your readers get a good night of sleep by putting together a quick “good sleep” checklist they can use to make sure they are doing everything they can to get quality sleep.
5 Questions Kids Always Ask Me During Their Therapy Appointments
This blog post can be fun and lighthearted – you are working to establish yourself as someone who connects well with children here. The parents are the ones who are most likely reading this blog, and they want to find a therapist that is going to make their child feel secure and comfortable. This post will help you do that.
Top 5 Mental Health Trends in 2023
What are some trends you are seeing in your practice? If you receive any professional journals you might look through those to identify upcoming or current trends as well. Link to articles or sources for each trend if you can.
Do the Seasons Affect Your Mental Health?
How can the seasons affect mental health? Explore this topic by discussing the trends you see in your practice based on each season. For example, when do you see the most depression? When do you see the most anxiety? Do you think any of the trends you see in your office correlate with the seasons?
7 Lessons Learned From My First Five Years as a Mental Health Professional
Make this post your own by changing the number of tips and years to fit your experience level. Repurpose this blog post into a social media post, Reel, or TikTok. Use trending audio in order to increase engagement. (Want an example of a post like this? Read my blog My 3 Biggest Lessons Learned in 3 Years of Business.)
10 Tips to Prevent Burnout
You know how draining it is to be a mental health professional! Use this blog post to share some of your favorite tips to avoid burnout. Include as many links as you can – for instance, if you recommend going for a midday walk, link to the playlist or audiobook you are currently listening to.
3 Ways to Prevent [common problem in the mental health space]
As a mental health professional you are uniquely qualified to write this blog post. What is a problem you are seeing in the space? This could be related to your profession, patient treatments, appointment etiquette, or business ownership.
[Your area of expertise] 101
What is your focus? Do you have a specialized license? Use your knowledge of your niche in the mental health field to explain it to your blog readers. You are establishing yourself as the authority on this subject, so make sure you thoroughly link to articles or websites that back up your claims.
How to Improve Your Mindset
Choose some of your favorite mindset tips and create this list-style blog post idea for therapists around them. Make each tip a heading and then give a short paragraph explanation underneath each one. If you’d like to use photos throughout the post to make it easier to read, you can find a lot of stock photos on different websites (my favorite is ColorJoy Stock).
9 Mantras to Improve Your Mental Health
Do you discuss mantras with your patients? List each mantra out with a short explanation. If you have personal experience with a mantra, be sure to mention that in your explanation.
Decluttering Can Improve Your Mental Health: Here’s How!
It would be fun to show a small space before and after in your home or office. Intersperse the photos with text that describes why the space got so cluttered, what you had to do to fix it, how the cluttered space made you feel, and how the decluttered space makes you feel. End the blog post with 5-10 tips for quickly decluttering a space.
Client Spotlight
Do you have a patient you are incredibly proud of? Ask if you can feature them on your blog (you can change their name and any identifying details). Ask your patient if they would be willing to provide you with a testimonial to put at the end of your blog.
My Favorite Non-Fiction Self-Help Books
Take photos of each of the books you are recommending in this blog post and place them each under a heading of the book’s title. Provide a short description of the book, link to purchase, and your own personal review. Why do you like the book so much? How has it helped you? Who do you recommend reads it?
10 Books with Fantastic Mental Health Representation
If you are not a huge fiction reader, don’t panic! You do not need to have personally read all of the books on this list. Research this topic and choose the ten books you find that best represent your niche in the mental health field. Include a photo, description, and link to purchase for each one.
5 Young Adult/Teen Books with Mental Health Representation
While you are writing about young adult books in this blog idea for therapists, your writing should be geared towards parents. They are likely the ones who are searching for articles similar to yours. You may want to include a warning for any mature content since parents are the ones screening books for their teen.
Behind the Scenes of Working With a Mental Health Professional
If you are comfortable, ask one of your current patients to document a week or month in your care. Why did they start working with you? Why did they choose you as their therapist? How do their appointments with you impact their life? What is something that surprised them about therapy?
A Beginner’s Guide to Mental Health
This is a blog post idea for mental health professionals that will provide the most basic, general information to website visitors. Answer the main questions most people have when researching mental health – and if you’re getting stuck there, I would recommend answering the 5Ws and H. Yup, you read that right: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. Formulate this blog to answer those basic questions about mental health and you’ll be on the right track!
You Need to Stop [issue in mental health]
What is something you are seeing in the field of mental health that is bothering you? This can be written for fellow therapists or patients – you choose!
[Book] Changed My Life
What is one book you think everyone should read? How did it impact your mental health journey? Why do you think it is such a valuable resource? Answer those questions and give your review of the book in this blog post.
The 6 Benefits of Attending a Support Group
Repurpose this content idea for mental health professionals into a social media post, Reel, or TikTok. If you can, it might be an interesting topic for an Instagram Live. Ask your followers to let you know if they have ever attended a support group and if they believed it helped them or not.
What to Expect When You Attend a Support Group
Give a general step-by-step explanation of what typically happens in a support group. The people who are most likely to be reading this blog are people who are likely nervous about attending one for the first time so write with a friendly, understanding tone.
3 Ways to Achieve Mental Clarity
First, define mental clarity. Then, list each tip you have for achieving it. Each tip should have a short explanation underneath it. Lastly, make your call to action your appointment link so readers who need assistance finding mental clarity can contact you for assistance.
My Favorite Quotes About Mental Health
Do you have any experience with Canva? If so, it could be fun to place each quote on a Canva graphic and place it into this content idea for therapists. That way, readers can save the graphics and quotes that resonate with them. You can also upload all of them to your social media account as a carousel post and ask your followers to provide their favorite quote about mental health in the comments.
Is Social Media Good for Teens and Their Mental Health?
There have been so many studies and articles recently about this topic. Do some research and pull together the most relevant ones for this blog post. Write about your findings and include links for all the studies you mention.
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7 Ways Social Media is Harming Your Mental Health
There have been a lot of articles about this particular topic lately. Spend a little time researching and reading through them before composing your blog. Include links and summaries of their findings. Do you have any recommendations for reducing the harm social media is causing? If so, put those in the conclusion (or near the end) of your blog.
You Should Be Following These Mental Health Influencers
Ask your followers (via a question box in your Instagram stories) if they follow any incredible mental health influencers. Use their contributions to guide your writing for this blog. Once the post is published, repurpose it into a Reel or TikTok and tag all the mental health influencers you mentioned. They will likely share your video and increase your engagement!
The Best Blogs For Mental Health
Reach out to the blogs you are going to mention in this post – they may be willing to promote yours on their social media accounts once the post goes live! Repurpose this blog post into a social media post or TikTok and tag the bloggers. Ask your followers for any blogs you didn’t include, but should have!
Review: Product You Tried [in your niche]
It might be tough for you to think of a physical product you use in your therapy practice, so it’s ok to think outside the box here. Is there a business program you just started using? A new timer app on your phone? A pair of shoes that keep your feet pain-free through a long day of seeing patients?
Behind The Scenes: What’s At My Desk in 2023
I am always interested to see what people keep on their desks – it gives such great insight into their personalities! Take some photos of your desk and explain the things captured in each photo. The purpose of this blog is to make potential and current patients feel comfortable with you as a therapist so adopt a friendly conversational tone when writing.
5 Things I Wish I Could Tell My Younger Self
Think of the life lessons you wish you knew when you were younger and make those the focus of this blog. Bonus points if you can tie each one to the field of mental health! Ask readers to comment on with the lessons they wish they could tell their younger selves and share these on your social media accounts.
10 Things You Need to Know About Eating Disorders
Explain each of these facts in basic terms. This is a blog post meant to inform readers, so include links to resources and articles that may go more in depth. Your appointment link should be at the end of this post so that anyone struggling with an eating disorder can begin seeing you.
Eating Disorder Warning Signs
If someone clicks on this blog post, it is likely because they suspect someone in their life might have an eating disorder. List the warning signs with a short explanation underneath each one. Encourage the reader to make an appointment with you to further discuss what they are seeing. Remind them that it is not their job to diagnose someone with a mental health disorder, and that if they truly believe their loved one has an eating disorder, they need to speak with a professional.
What is Schizophrenia?
Make this information-heavy blog post full of links to quality websites and resources for schizophrenia. Give some general information about schizophrenia and then repurpose this content into an informative carousel post for your social media account.
8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Bipolar Disorder
Make this list-style blog full of information people are normally surprised to find out about bipolar disorder. The information could be about treatment, how the disorder presents differently in people, or even about how to recognize when a loved one may have bipolar disorder.
How Common is OCD?
If obsessive-compulsive disorder is not your area of expertise, ask a fellow mental health therapist to help you with this blog. You could ask them to compose a guest post on your blog or interview them and turn that conversation into your blog.
Why Does Depression Affect More Women Than Men?
This is an interesting phenomenon. You will want to back up your claims with scientific evidence – include a lot of links to reputable sources in this blog! Before this post is published, you may want to ask your followers on social media why they think this is the case. Discuss your findings (and their thoughts!) in an Instagram Live.
How to Help a Loved One With Depression
The people who are searching for an answer to this question are looking for true answers. Give them tangible, thoughtful ideas that are backed in research. Include your appointment link at the end so they can speak with you further about supporting their loved one.
5 Things You Can Do to Help a Loved One Going Through a Mental Health Crisis
Be caring and calm with your tone in this blog. What are five things you have recommended in your practice? What are some things you have personally done for people in your life? What is the best way to support someone?
Should You Google Your Mental Health Symptoms?
WebMD has made a fool out of all of us at some point! It can be so tempting to search your symptoms on the web, but doing so can also lead to really scary (and often false!) diagnoses. Discuss why searching for a mental health diagnosis on the web is a bad idea. At the end of the post include your appointment link so readers can discuss their symptoms with a professional rather than a search engine.
Are Mental Health Professionals Doctors?
There is sometimes confusion about mental health professionals’ licensure and education requirements. Be open and honest in this blog post, and give your readers all the information they need to know to answer this question. Throughout your writing, discuss your own licensure and education.
15 Facts About Mental Health Disorders You Don’t Know
Create a list of facts and then make each fact a heading. Underneath each one, give a short description. Repurpose this content into a social media post or TikTok and ask your followers which facts they had never heard of before.
The Top 3 Most Diagnosed Mental Health Disorders
Make this list-style blog as informative as possible. When you describe each mental health disorder, inject your personal experience as a mental health professional into the paragraph. What have you seen in your practice? How have you helped patients who come to you with these disorders? It will help you rank higher in search engines by including links to reputable articles discussing each mental health disorder.
Why is Therapy the Right Choice for You?
Make this a persuasive blog post idea for therapists. You want more patients, and this post aims to convince website visitors to book an appointment with you! What will they get out of seeing you as a mental health therapist? Ensure you mention the benefits of working with you and your successes with previous patients.
How to Find a Good Therapist?
How do you recommend people find a good therapist? Does location matter? Education? Personality? Areas of expertise or licensure? Can you prioritize the list, or write about why you think one thing makes a bigger difference than another? This will be helpful or potential clients to see why they should work with you over someone else.
How Long Are Therapy Appointments?
You likely have a set time for therapy appointments in your practice, but you may want to discuss why your appointments are that lengthy or what might cause you to book a longer appointment with a patient. This may also be a good time to explain what happens in a therapy appointment, especially to someone new (if you have written a blog post detailing that, this is a good opportunity to link to it!).
7 Rare Mental Disorders
This is a science-based blog post, so you will need to include many links to reputable sources throughout it. List each rare mental disorder with an explanation of each in this post. You can repurpose this content into a social media post to increase engagement!
My Mental Health Journey
How did your journey with mental health begin? When did you first become interested in mental health? Was there anything in your life that made you want to seek out therapy? You can be open and honest in this blog post while still protecting your own privacy.
I’ve Been to Therapy: My Story
This may be too personal for you, and it’s ok if it is! Your current and potential patients may find a lot of comfort in the fact that you have also been to mental health therapy, so I encourage you to think about opening up about this in your blog.
Use These 133 Content Ideas for your Counseling Business
Blogging is a powerful tool for getting new clients and engaging with current ones. Use these 133 content ideas to create quality blog posts that will help you build trust, drive traffic to your website, and grow your therapy practice.
Don’t forget to optimize your blog post content for search engines (like Google!). Strong SEO practices are the number one way to rank higher in search engines and increase your website views. If you publish content regularly, have a strong SEO strategy, and engage with your audience regularly, you will establish yourself as an expert in the mental health field.
Need help with how to get started with SEO? Learn how to leverage search engine optimization for your website so you can spend more time doing what you love.
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We get started on Monday, and I can’t wait to support you there!!