As a physical therapist, you probably know you need to be marketing yourself and your practice online, but just aren’t sure how you’re going to find the time! Your plate is full of patients, paperwork, office management, and continuing education. And, trust me, I get it. The last thing you want to do is create content for your social media account or website.
But what if all the ideas were already created for you? And all you had to do was choose one from a list and adapt it to fit your needs. Well, today is your lucky day!
I have compiled a list of 57 Content Ideas for Physical Therapists that you can use for your social media account or website blog.
And, before you ask the question I know you’re about to ask…
YES, you do need to promote on both your blog and your social media account.
TechTarget says blogs increase website traffic, build trust with website visitors, and can help expand and promote your brand. A big benefit of marketing via social media, according to CoSchedule, is that it can get your account in front of people quickly (and when they aren’t necessarily searching for it!).
Using your blog and social media account to gain new patients is an easy (and FREE) way to market your practice.
And now, it’s a little bit easier with my list of 57 Content Ideas for Physical Therapists! Keep reading to learn more about them all!
Short on time? Pin this for later!
1. Day in the Life of a Physical Therapist
Social Media: This content idea for physical therapists will increase engagement. Followers really enjoy watching “Day in the Life” videos. Create a reel or short video with a text overlay showing an abbreviated version of what you do in a day as a physical therapist.
Blog: Use the activities you captured in your video as a starting point for creating this blog post. Make each “time” (or section of your day, like morning, afternoon, etc.) a heading, and then write a paragraph for each detailing what you did during that time. If discussing a specific treatment, make sure you link to an outside website for an explanation.
2. Foundations of Physical Therapy
Social Media: Use a graphic showing one of the founders of physical therapy with a branded frame or background. Then, in your caption, give two or three facts about the founder and then encourage followers to click the link in your bio to visit your blog and learn more.
Blog: Repurpose your physical therapist’s social media post for this blog. Explain the foundations of physical therapy, but be sure you utilize lots of headings and text features like bullet points to make the blog post more skimmable.
3. Client Success Story
Social Media: Ask a new client if you can film a short video of their movements or range of motion. Then, at the end of their treatments, film another one. Put the videos together with trending audio to create a Reel. The caption should explain how your treatments helped them.
Blog: This content idea for physical therapists is fairly easy to write. This blog post should have a lot of photos with short explanations after each one. Make sure your call to action at the end refers people to contact you for similar treatments or results.
4. How Physical Therapists Can Help Children
Social Media: What are some of the most common reasons children seek treatment from you? Make a list of those and create a carousel with one item per image. Your caption should have one brief sentence explaining each one.
Blog: Repurpose the caption you wrote for your physical therapist’s social media post. Instead of one sentence for each item on your list, expand that explanation to one or two short paragraphs. If you can, link to other website articles discussing each. Having outside links will help you rank higher with search engines.
5. Why Physical Therapy is Important During Pregnancy
Social Media: If you have a contact who is a physician, nurse, or doula you could do a live stream with them discussing all the ways a pregnant person could benefit from physical therapy. You can promote your live stream in your Instagram Stories and then repurpose snippets of it for Reels or other social media posts.
Blog: Format this blog post like a list. Try to think of five to seven reasons pregnant individuals benefit from physical therapy. Make each reason a heading in your blog post and then discuss each one in detail as text underneath.
6. Managing Your Chronic Pain with Physical Therapy
Social Media: This would be a great place to showcase a patient testimonial. Ask a patient who manages chronic pain through physical therapy to write about their experiences with you. Use a photo of them as the graphic for this post. Be sure your call to action encourages other followers working on managing their chronic pain to contact you for an appointment!
Blog: Utilize links to other website articles for this blog post. Focus on the science of how physical therapy can assist with managing chronic pain. It’s ok if this blog post is a little longer if you want to get detailed in your explanations. Include short testimonials or anecdotal stories from your practice throughout the text in order to break it up.
7. How Physical Therapy Can Help Your Mental Health
Social Media: People are really engaging with content that discusses mental health right now. For this physical therapist social media post, create a Reel with trending audio with text describing a few ways physical therapy can improve mental health. Go into more detail in your caption.
Blog: Repurpose the shortlist you made for your reel and expand on it for this physical therapist blog post. Make this blog easily skimmable by using lots of headings and short paragraphs. If you can, link to website articles discussing physical therapy’s benefits for mental health.
8. The Science Behind Stretching
Social Media: Turn this into a social media series. Create one post per day for a week (or one post per week for a month – whatever works best for you!) that gives more information on how stretching is beneficial for your overall health. Ask followers to share the posts you make in their stories so you can get more engagement.
Blog: This post will be easy to write if you have all the captions completed for your social media series. Add more details and scientific article links to your text while also including photos that illustrate your points. End your blog post with a few simple stretches your website visitors can do daily to improve their flexibility.
9. 6 Benefits of Seeing a Physical Therapist
Social Media: There are many examples of “list” Reels with trending audio out there for you to use as a starting point for this content idea for physical therapists. This video can be short and to the point – film yourself pointing at each text item and then encourage viewers to check out your caption for more information. If you discuss each point in your caption, it could get a little lengthy, so use emojis to add some flair and make it easier to read.
Blog: For this blog post, utilize testimonials from your patients. Make each reason a heading with a short paragraph that goes into more detail. Then, tell a story or use a testimonial from a patient that relates to your heading. This will give you credibility as a physical therapist who has happy clients.
10. Physical Therapy During COVID-19
Social Media: How has the way you practice physical therapy changed since COVID-19 began? Use a static photo as your image, and then talk about three or four big changes you have seen in your caption.
Blog: Use local SEO keyword phrases here and make this blog post focused on your particular office or practice. This will help you show up in the search results for those in your geographic area looking for a new physical therapist.
11. What You Need to Know About Telehealth and Physical Therapy.
Social Media: Many people are probably curious about how physical therapy works via telehealth. Create a video that shows how you manage patients when they are not physically in your office (get permission from any patient you show, of course!). You could even make this a series if you handle injuries or therapies differently.
Blog: If someone is considering seeing you, this would be a great physical therapist blog post on your website. You can even link to it from your services or contacts page! Discuss all the ways you can help patients via telehealth and the benefits to seeing a physical therapist in that way. It would also be important to mention situations where telehealth is not a good idea.
12. Common Misconceptions About Physical Therapy
Social Media: Ask one of your connections to do a live stream with you set up as a question and answer session. Have them prepare a list of misconceptions about physical therapy (you can assist them with this!) and go through them together. Bonus: You can utilize clips from this live stream for Reels or posts.
Blog: Make this a list-style blog post where each misconception is a heading; the text below is your explanation or rebuttal. Keep these short and sweet so they can be read quickly by any website visitors!
Need physical therapy social media templates to share across your platforms? I LOVE grabbing all my templates from Creative Market! (This is an affiliate link, which means I earn a small commission should you choose to purchase a template!
13. What to Wear to a Physical Therapy Appointment
Social Media: Create a “do and don’t” carousel for this physical therapy social media post. Each slide should be split down the middle with a “do” side and a “don’t” side. You can use free stock photos or photos you take in your office for this – but make sure that whatever you pick, you remain consistent for each slide! This way it will look professional.
Blog: While discussing the clothing to wear to a physical therapy appointment in this blog post, you may also want to discuss the anxiety that comes up when visiting a physical therapist or another doctor for the first time. Make this post reassuring, and try to alleviate any anxiety your potential patients may feel.
14. Commonly Asked Questions for a First Physical Therapy Appointment
Social Media: Think of the top three or five questions you get asked during a patient’s first visit with you. Create a video that shows a sped-up version of walking into and checking into your office. Make the text in the video just “Questions We Get Asked During a First Appointment.” List the questions (and their answers!) in your caption.
Blog: Make this physical therapist blog post a more in-depth FAQ page for first-time visitors. (Once it’s published you can even link it on your contacts page or services page!) What do patients typically want to know? Answer all those questions as the text of your blog post!
15. 7 Reasons to See a Physical Therapist
Social Media: Create a video with trending audio for this physical therapist social media post. List all the reasons someone might come to see you and use your caption to refer them to your website to make an appointment!
Blog: Be general in this blog post. You do not need to go into specific injuries or specific circumstances here. List the most general/main reasons someone might need to see a physical therapist as headings, and then you can list more specific examples in your text underneath the headings. Have a strong call to action at the end encouraging website visitors to set up an appointment with you.
16. What to Expect During Your Physical Therapy Appointment
Social Media: Ask a patient’s permission, and follow them throughout one of their appointments. Take photos at each stage of their appointment and put them on social media as a carousel post. Use your caption to describe each portion of the appointment.
Blog: This content idea for physical therapists will help to make potential patients feel more comfortable coming to see you. Be detailed about what they may encounter, and what will be asked of them. Take positively about all aspects of their visit, and end this blog post by referring website visitors to your services page or scheduling page.
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17. Muscular System 101
Social Media: Do you have any props in your office you could use as a background for a short video or Reel? Think: 3d models or diagrams. Have someone in your office pick up the object or interact with it in a natural way and place text over the video (with trending audio) that says “Muscular System 101.” Give 3 – 5 interesting facts about the muscular system in your caption and refer followers to read your blog (include a link to it in your bio) for more information.
Blog: The purpose of this physical therapist blog idea is to position you as an expert in your field. This blog will be a little longer than normal, should include a lot of links to other websites and articles, and will be science-based. Write about the muscular system in everyday language (don’t use overly complicated scientific jargon) and talk about its importance in overall health.
18. How to Get the Most Out of Your Physical Therapy Visits
Social Media: What is one thing you wish all your patients did when coming to your practice? Develop a graphic and caption around that one thing. Encourage followers and patients to adopt this habit to make their appointments and therapies run more smoothly!
Blog: Your social media post detailed one thing your patients can do to get the most out of their appointments – for your blog entry, detail five. Repurposing the content from your physical therapist social media post will give you a good starting point. Make each item on your list a heading and then write one to two paragraphs going into more detail underneath each one.
19. 5 Stretches All Physical Therapists Wish You Would Do
Social Media: Film yourself doing all of these stretches to create a Reel for this social media post. Then, use your caption to describe each one and why it is so important for flexibility or overall health.
Blog: Utilize static photos of each stretch in this blog post. First, describe the stretch in detail so all your website visitors can replicate it at home. Then, spend a paragraph discussing why that particular stretch is so good for your body and overall health.
20. How a Fitness Routine Can Help With Your Physical Therapy
Social Media: Make an infographic on a design site (like Canva) with the title in text, using branded colors and fonts. Your caption should tell followers why fitness routines are helpful when undergoing physical therapy. Include a call to action encouraging them to send you a dm if they want to discuss developing a fitness routine in conjunction with a physical therapy plan.
Blog: Make this blog a “mythbusters” blog. Make each heading a reason why someone may not think having a fitness routine is a good idea while undergoing physical therapy. For one to two paragraphs underneath each heading discuss why each is a misconception.
21. An Office or Facility Tour
Social Media: People love to see anything that is “behind the scenes” so take this opportunity to film a livestream that takes followers throughout your entire office. Show things they may not normally see as a patient (like the break room or your private office) and point out things they may miss when coming in for an appointment (like your favorite piece of art or something one of your employees gave you). Turn this into a short video and make it into a social media post! Your caption should refer followers to your website to make an appointment.
Blog: Use photos to show each aspect of your office to prospective patients in this physical therapist blog post idea. While your social media post was very “behind the scenes,” your blog post should be showcasing the main parts of your office or facility. The purpose of this blog post is to make prospective or new patients feel comfortable about coming into a space they haven’t been before. It’s ok to show some of the smaller fun details (like in your social media post), but make sure you are giving them a full tour of your space as well.
22. The Importance of Physical Therapy for Sports Injuries
Social Media: Use a patient testimonial for this caption. Then, spend a few sentences describing the treatment you use for the type of sports injury this patient had. For your image, use a photo of the patient (a before/after, if applicable).
Blog: This content idea for physical therapists should focus on how physical therapy can help those with sports injuries recover and get back to doing what they love. You can link to other website articles that also discuss these injuries in order to improve your rank with search engines. Be sure your call to action asks anyone dealing with a sports injury to contact you for information on treatment appointments!
23. 4 Common Running Injuries
Social Media: Think of the most common running injuries you see in your practice and then create a short video listing each one. Then, in your social media post for physical therapists caption, describe each one and the treatment you offer for each.
Blog: Utilize photos and scientific diagrams for this blog post. Go into detail about each running injury and intersperse the photos and diagrams you have collected throughout the text. That way, even if the focus is more science-based, your readers will still be able to skim it quickly.
24. 10 Tips for Staying Injury-Free While Exercising
Social Media: Create a graphic carousel post with two or three tips per slide. Make the first slide your title slide and the last should encourage followers to contact you or more details.
Blog: Make this a list-style blog where each tip is a heading and then the text underneath is a short explanation. List-style blogs are very popular, and tend to get a lot of clicks from search engines – plus, they’re easily skimmable!
25. Why Strength Training is Important
Social Media: Go live on your Instagram and talk all about why you think strength training is important. For a few days before you plan to go live, promote your live stream in your Instagram stories and encourage followers to set a reminder. Once you have recorded the video, take short clips and turn them into Reels!
Blog: For this blog, intersperse testimonials from patients with research-driven facts to support the importance of strength training. The facts will position you as an expert in your field, while the testimonials from patients will make the blog entry easier and more fun to read.
26. How Physical Therapy Helps Boost Your Mood
Social Media: Use a picture of some of your smiling patients as a static image for this social media post (be sure to get their permission first). In the caption give a short explanation for how physical therapy can improve one’s mood and refer them to your blog – link in bio! – for more information.
Blog: This blog idea for physical therapists should link to other website articles discussing the benefits of physical therapy for improving mood. This will help it to rank higher with search engines. Utilize a lot of headings and text features with this post so that website visitors can find all the information quickly and efficiently.
27. Questions to Ask Your Physical Therapist Before You Get Started
Social Media: Create a short video with trending audio where 5 – 10 questions show up rapidly. List them all out in the caption and then have a strong call to action asking potential patients to contact you for an appointment or assessment.
Blog: Make each question a heading in this blog post. Then, underneath each heading give a one paragraph explanation about why that particular question is important to ask. You can link this page to your services or contact page so that potential patients can schedule an appointment or treatment easily.
28. Top Physical Therapy Exercises for Seniors
Social Media: Ask one of your senior patients to demonstrate three or four exercises for you at their next appointment. Splice together the video clips, put it with trending audio, and then list all the exercises out (with a short explanation of each) in the caption.
Blog: Focus on ten physical therapy exercises for this blog post. Include a photo or short video (you can repurpose some from your social media post!) with each explanation. Use the introduction of this blog post to talk about the benefits of physical therapy for seniors.
29. The Top 3 Reasons Teenagers See a Physical Therapist
Social Media: For this physical therapist social media post, do not use a teenage patient for your video for privacy reasons. Instead, create a video slideshow in Canva (or another design website) and type out the three reasons teens should see a physical therapist.
Blog: Your social media post only discussed three reasons a teen would come see a physical therapist, but your blog can be longer and go into more detail. It’s ok if you want to expand this topic and make a longer list. Remember, the people who will likely read this blog post are the parents of the teens you will see, so direct your information at them.
Need physical therapy social media templates to share across your platforms? I LOVE grabbing all my templates from Creative Market! (This is an affiliate link, which means I earn a small commission should you choose to purchase a template!
30. Why Walking is One of the Best Things You Can Do for Your Health
Social Media: Shoot some short video of you walking in different locations and use that as the background for a Reel or short video. Place a trending audio with your clips and put the topic title as text in your video. Then, use the caption to discuss why you believe walking is one of the best things to do for your health. Bonus idea: Make a series all about walking: the benefits of walking, how long to walk each day, how to find the correct shoes for walking, how to get more walking into your day, etc.
Blog: Create a list of five to ten reasons why walking is good for your health for this physical therapist blog post idea. Make the list a mixture of common sense facts or tips, and research-based scientific facts. This will ensure your website visitors get varied information that will help them whether they are looking for a scientific post or a more casual post.
31. The Science Behind Bone Loss
Social Media: Create an infographic (or multiple infographics if you’d like to make this a carousel post) that details some of the science behind bone loss. Give a more detailed explanation in the caption of this physical therapist social media post and refer followers to your blog for even more information.
Blog: This topic is one that will pull in website visitors from all over, not just your local area, so you need to make sure it positions you as an expert in your field. This means you need to have a lot of links to other reputable websites and articles, and you also need to give a thorough explanation of the science behind bone loss. Make your call to action an encouragement for blog readers to subscribe to your newsletter for more information and tips.
32. The Science Behind Daily Stretching
Social Media: Why do you encourage your patients to stretch every day? Make your answer to that question the focus of your caption. For your image, you can use a static photo of someone in your practice doing one of the stretches you think is most beneficial.
Blog: Use this blog as a guide for website visitors to follow if they want to start stretching more often. The first part of your blog should go into the WHY of the science of stretching, while the second part can focus on the three or four stretches you recommend people do if they would like to start stretching more often.
33. How to Become a Physical Therapist
Social Media: This is a great time to pull out some old photos of you from when you were in school or training and create a short video. Your followers will enjoy seeing more of your past! Try to include a photo from each stage of your education or training, and then end with a photo of you now in your practice. The caption should describe your training, and ask followers to post any questions they may have for you in the comments.
Blog: This content idea for physical therapists is a great one for engagement because your website visitors will really like seeing this “behind the scenes” look at who you are. While your social media post was focused solely on you, make your blog post on this topic more general in nature. Utilize photos of yourself and anecdotes about your training, but center the majority of the blog post around how an individual would go about becoming a physical therapist.
34. What Does Physical Therapy Look Like?
Social Media: Physical therapy can look very different for different people! Use this social media post to highlight that. You can either do a short video with clips of patients doing different things, or you can create a carousel with static photos or short videos. Your caption can be short and sweet here – remind your followers that treatment will not be the same for each person and then refer them to your contact button (or website contact page) to find an appointment time with you.
Blog: Create a list-style blog for this topic. Each heading should be a type of treatment or type of physical therapy and then the text underneath should be a short explanation for each topic. Make your call to action a link to your scheduling page so it’s easy for website visitors to make an appointment with you if they need one.
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35. Before/After with a Patient
Social Media: This will be a fun, celebratory post for your account! Find a patient who has made great strides in recovery since working with you and highlight them! Utilize videos or photos taken in your practice and then ask them to give you a short testimonial about how your therapy helped them improve or get better.
Blog: Repurpose your social media post, but expand on the caption. Include a longer testimonial and also describe how you helped this patient. What treatments did you use? What was the focus of your appointments? How long did it take? What impressed you about this patient? If this blog post does well you could even make it a series: every two months highlight another patient!
36. Identifying the Root Cause of Your Pain
Social Media: The purpose of this physical therapist social media post is to get you new patients. Carefully research hashtags that will get you seen by new followers in your geographic area. Your caption can have two or three ways you help patients identify the root cause of their pain, but then you need to refer people to the link in your bio to schedule an appointment if they need assistance with pain management.
Blog: Utilize a lot of local SEO-keyword phrases so you show up in the search results of those in your local area looking for a physical therapist who can help them manage their pain. Make this blog post informative, but also highlight how you specifically work with patients who need to find the root cause of their pain.
37. How to Decide Between Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Care
Social Media: Ask a chiropractor you know to do a livestream with you tackling this content idea for physical therapists. Be specific about what each of you do and what you can offer to patients. Promote the livestream on both your page and your chiropractor’s page so you can both gain some new followers and increase engagement.
Blog: While you will be writing about both chiropractors and physical therapists in this blog post, the purpose of it is to persuade visitors to see you rather than a chiropractor. Use persuasive language, and give more thorough and detailed explanations when discussing physical therapy.
38. How Often Should You See a Physical Therapist?
Social Media: This is a question a lot of physical therapists get asked, and (as I’m sure you know!) the answer is going to be different for everyone. Make a short video highlighting the fact that everyone’s care is specific to their circumstances and goals.
Blog: While your social media post discussed the fact that the frequency of physical therapy care is different for everyone, you can be slightly more specific in your blog post. Make a list of the most general type of injuries (or reasons you will see a patient). Then, give a very general overview of how long you expect to see someone with each type of injury. Your call to action should lead to your contact page so that if anyone reading your blog has questions they can speak with you directly.
39. Exercises to do While Traveling to Prevent Stiff Muscles and Joints
Social Media: Do you have a trip coming up? If so, film a few short clips of yourself traveling or doing the exercises you are going to recommend. Name the exercises in your caption and give short descriptions of each and why they are helpful when traveling.
Blog: Include a lot of photos or short videos with this blog post. Make each stretch a heading and then put photos/video and a description of the stretch underneath. Once you have described the stretch, include a few sentences about why it is so helpful to do when traveling.
40. The Importance of Wearing the Correct Shoes for Exercise
Social Media: This content idea for physical therapists is practically made for a before/after graphic or series of photos. Show someone (either a patient or someone who works in your practice) wearing shoes that are incorrect for them. Then, show them wearing the correct shoes. The caption of this post should talk in general terms about how to know if your exercise shoes are right for you.
Blog: Utilize close-up photos of shoes for this physical therapist blog post idea. Make each heading something general everyone needs to look for when searching for the correct exercise shoes (arch support, inserts, etc.). Then, compose a short paragraph under each heading describing why each is important and how you know if the shoe you have chosen is correct.
41. The 5 Biggest Mistakes People Make When Starting an Exercise Routine
Social Media: What are the biggest mistakes you see people make when they begin an exercise routine? List those out in a short video and then give more detail on each one in your physical therapist social media post. You might think about making the last tip one of encouragement – such as, “They forget to start!” Ask followers to send you a dm or email if they would like help coming up with a beginner’s exercise plan.
Blog: This list-style blog post should be easily skimmable and informative in nature. If people are searching for these keywords, it is because they are about to begin an exercise program and are nervous about it. Make sure your language is encouraging and that you link to a few beginner exercise programs you endorse. Ask website visitors to contact you in your call to action if they have questions.
42. 10 Facts for National Physical Therapy Month (October)
Social Media: It would be fun to tease this post via your Instagram stories for the first few days of October, National Physical Therapy Month. Not all of the facts need to be hard science – your followers will appreciate some fun facts as well! You can even quiz your followers via your stories if you want – this will really help your engagement! For your social media post, list all the facts in your caption and refer everyone to your blog for more detailed information.
Blog: Repurpose the facts you used for your social media post for this October blog post. Make each fact a heading and then compose a short paragraph detailing each one underneath. Ask website visitors to sign up for your email newsletter or mailing list as your call to action.
43. 5 Common Workplace Injuries Physical Therapists Treat
Social Media: This content idea for physical therapists will get you a lot of engagement because so many people tend to have workplace injuries. Many people may not know all the ways that physical therapists can help them recover from any major or minor workplace injury, so the purpose of this post is to inform. Research hashtags so your post shows up in non-followers’ feeds, and provide a link in your bio for making an appointment.
Blog: Workplace injuries can range in severity, and many people may not realize that they can see a physical therapist for help with most of them. List out the five most common workplace injuries you treat and your treatment plan. Your call to action should be asking website visitors to make an appointment with you to see if physical therapy can help them recover from a workplace injury.
Need physical therapy social media templates to share across your platforms? I LOVE grabbing all my templates from Creative Market! (This is an affiliate link, which means I earn a small commission should you choose to purchase a template!)
44. How to Protect Your Body While Doing Manual Labor
Social Media: Injury prevention is important! Use this social media post to talk about how your followers can protect themselves when they are doing manual labor. This topic would be good for a series as well! You could do a post about yard work, shoveling snow, moving heavy boxes or furniture, or even lifting children! If you want to make sure you get good engagement on these posts, promote them in your Instagram stories along with polls or question boxes.
Blog: You could make this content idea for physical therapists a series of blog posts, like for your social media account, or you could compose one long post that gives tips for all types of manual labor. You could either speak in very general terms, or make each type of manual labor its own heading with injury prevention tips as the text underneath each one. Include a strong call to action that encourages website visitors who are dealing with an injury to contact you for an appointment.
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45. The Best Part About Being a Physical Therapist
Social Media: Use a video clip of you assisting a patient and then place your text (the best part about being a physical therapist) over it with trending audio. Your reason doesn’t have to be science-based or general in nature – let this social media post be about you personally! Let your followers get a glimpse into why you love providing physical therapy services. Your caption can either be short and sweet (letting your video say all you need to say) or you can go into more detail for a longer caption.
Blog: This blog post does not need to be incredibly lengthy. It should be personal to you and your practice and your patients. You can even link this post on your About Page! The call to action for this blog post should be asking your website visitors to sign up for your newsletter or mailing list. This way, you can continue to engage with them!
46. 3 Things You Wish You Knew Before You Became a Physical Therapist
Social Media: This would be easy to turn into a short video! List your “things you wish you knew” in the video using a text overlay and pair it with a trending audio. The caption of this physical therapist social media post can go into more detail. It’s ok to have fun with this one – all three things you list don’t have to be serious! In fact, your followers would probably enjoy seeing something lighthearted from you.
Blog: Your social media post only listed three things you wish you knew, but your blog could list more than that if you would like. Write this blog post for aspiring physical therapists (or current physical therapists) and intersperse real lessons or nuggets of wisdom with fun, more lighthearted reasons.
47. Different Tools You Might See During Your Physical Therapy Appointments
Social Media: Take photos of all the different tools or implements you most commonly use and use a photo editing app or website (like Canva) to type over each one. The text over your photos should include the name of the implement and a short description (think: one or two bullet points) of its uses. Your caption can be short and sweet here – a few sentences that refer everyone to the images above is really all you need!
Blog: This content idea for physical therapists is good because it helps to establish you as an expert in your field and also helps to alleviate any nerves a first time patient may have about their appointment. Repurpose the photos from your social media post, but expand the bullet points into a short paragraph. You can even link this blog post on the FAQ page of your website!
48. Why You Decided to Become a Physical Therapist
Social Media: This social media post is a good chance for your followers to learn a little bit more about you. If you have one, use a picture of you from your graduation for the image for this post. Delve into your background in your caption and let your followers see more of you as a person rather than just an expert physical therapist.
Blog: Use local-SEO keywords throughout this physical therapist blog post so it will be easier for those in your area to find you in search results. Discuss why you wanted to be a physical therapist while interspersing photos of you from significant times in your life.
49. Top Wellness Tips to Live By
Social Media: Create a branded graphic for this post and use it as a template for a carousel post. Include your wellness tips on the graphics and go into more detail in your caption. Utilize your Instagram stories to promote this post by polling your followers on each of the tips.
Blog: Make this a list-style blog that outlines each tip, why you recommend it, and what benefits your readers can expect to get from implementing it. If possible, link to outside websites or articles for this content idea for physical therapists.
50. How Physical Therapy Can Help You Get Better Sleep
Social Media: Sleep is a very popular topic on social media right now, so use this post to bring in engagement and new followers. Create a short video with trending audio that gives three ways physical therapy can improve sleep. You can either go into more detail in the caption or refer everyone to your blog for more information.
Blog: Make this an informative, research-based blog post. Be sure to link to outside websites or articles to help your ranking in search engine results. List out all the ways physical therapy can help improve sleep. You may also want to write about the benefits of a good night of sleep, and how good sleep habits can improve overall health.
51. When Should You See a Physical Therapist?
Social Media: Create a list of three to five things that mean you should see a physical therapist and put them each on a slide for a carousel post. In your caption, ask followers if they have experienced any of the above things and encourage them to contact you to make an appointment.
Blog: Expand on your social media post by creating a list of ten things, rather than three to five. Compose a short paragraph about each one. You may want to include a sentence or two about how you would help someone if they came in to see you with that particular problem. (For example, if one of the reasons people should see a physical therapist is because they suffer from chronic back pain, you should detail treatment options and programs for chronic back pain.)
52. 5 Common Questions I Get Asked as a Physical Therapist
Social Media: Think about these questions as less “FAQs” from patients, and more “getting to know you” questions you might be asked at a party. What do people typically want to know about your field when they first meet you? Put the questions in a short video with trending audio and then list them out in your caption. Refer followers to your blog to get the answers!
Blog: Make each question from your social media post a heading and then answer each in the text underneath. Include a “bonus” question at the end for your call to action: How can I make an appointment? Then, link to your appointments page!
53. Is Physical Therapy Different From Chiropractic Care?
Social Media: Use some b-roll footage of you at your practice with an overlay of this question. Then, write a lengthier caption discussing how the two fields are different, and how you as a physical therapist can help with various problems or injuries. Ask your followers to use the link in your bio to make an appointment.
Blog: Your blog post should be informative in nature, while also persuading your website visitors to see a physical therapist rather than a chiropractor. First, discuss what each field is and how each can help people. Then talk about different treatment options physical therapists and chiropractors utilize. Last, write about how one of your readers should make the choice between a physical therapist and a chiropractor. Your call to action should have a link for website visitors to make an appointment with you or contact you with questions.
54. Top 5 Physical Therapy Trends in 2023
Social Media: Where do you see physical therapy heading this year? Create a list of the trends you are seeing, and the ones you think will become more popular. Do a livestream with another physical therapist and discuss them together. You can use clips from your livestream as Reels or short videos!
Blog: Spend some time discussing each trend. What is it? Why is it becoming popular? How have you implemented things in your practice that support each trend? Giving information on new trends in physical therapy will help to position you, not only as an expert in your field, but as someone who cares about the field and where it is headed.
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55. Can You See a Physical Therapist Via Telehealth?
Social Media: Telehealth has really changed the way people see health care providers in the last few years. Does your practice offer a telehealth option? Highlight it here with an infographic and then use your caption to talk about how you make telehealth work with your patients.
Blog: Alternate informational text with anecdotes in this blog post. This way, your readers won’t be fatigued by a barrage of informational text – they will be able to skim through it and then focus on an example from your practice. For instance, you could discuss how telehealth could work for someone’s first appointment with you. Then, talk about a patient you saw that way. Include a link to make a telehealth appointment as your call to action at the end of your blog post.
56. What to Know About Hand Rehabilitation
Social Media: Do you have a video of one of your patients receiving hand rehabilitation? If so, use that as the image for this social media post. Your caption should include three to five short bullet points about hand rehabilitation. Refer followers to your blog for more information.
Blog: This blog will be research-based and scientific in nature. The purpose of this blog post is to inform website visitors about what hand rehabilitation is and how you as a physical therapist treat it. If you can, place in photos or diagrams throughout the text to help break it up. Utilizing text features like bullet points and subheadings will also help with this.
57. What is Neurological Physical Therapy?
Social Media: This should be an informative social media post for all your followers. Many may not realize how physical therapists can help with neurological pain or injuries. Create a branded infographic for the image and go into detail in your caption.
Blog: Repurpose the information in your social media caption, but go into much greater detail for this blog post. Link to outside websites and articles to rank higher in search engines, and to position you as an expert in your field. Be thorough in your explanation of what neurological physical therapy is, and ask readers to contact you for more information or for an appointment in your call to action.
Utilize Your Existing Content and Adapt the Ideas in the Blog
We hope you have found some inspiration for your physical therapy content marketing plan! Remember, there’s always a way you can adapt a social media post into a blog, or vice versa. Use these 55 ideas as a starting point for your own physical therapy practice!
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