Short on time? Save these October blog ideas for later on Pinterest!

30+ October Blog Post Ideas for Your Audience

October is a whirlwind! Fall is a big time of the year, and many of us still want to use the month of October to reach our blogging goals.

Between visits to pumpkin patches and corn mazes, school events, prepping your business for Black Friday and end-of-the-year activities, PLUS Halloween (and planning out costumes for your family), there’s barely any time to breathe – let alone spend a lot of time planning quality seasonal content for your blog! 

This is where I come in. I’m Mikayla, an SEO strategist for women entrepreneurs, and there’s nothing I love doing more than helping female business owners and their websites rank on the first page of Google! Using targeted content ideas for your blog can grow your audience, show up in search engines, and convert more clicks into customers. Yes, SEO is the answer! 

It’s hard when blogging feels stale, and you don’t feel like you have any ideas that inspire you. I get it – I’ve been there and know the frustration of staring at a blank screen. Writer’s block is real, and it can make it really hard to be a content creator!

That’s why I have compiled this list of 31 easy October content ideas to help you grow your blog. Use them in how they’re presented or as a jumping-off point for your content. Try writing some of these fall-related blog topics for inspiration this October

Ensure you have a solid SEO strategy plan that involves a consistent posting schedule and keyword research to reap the benefits! Use a website planner to keep track of all your blog post inspiration. Keep reading if you need some blog inspiration for your October content calendar! 

Note: I use affiliate links in this post, so if you purchase using my link, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Learn more about my affiliate disclosures in my privacy policy. Thank you for your support!

October 2023 Holidays to Know

  • National ADHD Awareness Month
  • National Down Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

If you or someone you know has been affected by breast cancer, this is a fitting month to spotlight their journey (with their permission). You can highlight a fellow business owner or write about someone you know in your personal life. I suggest making the call to action something that allows your audience to help raise awareness or funds for breast cancer. This could be a graphic you have them download and use on their social media accounts, a link to a charity you donate to, or an event raising money for a breast cancer charity. 

  • National Physical Therapy Month
  • Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

This is a sensitive topic to write about, and you want to approach it with carefulness and kindness as a blogger. If discussing your personal experience with pregnancy or infant loss feels too raw for you, that’s ok! You can write a more informational post about pregnancy and infant loss and include links to different funds or charities that help those who have experienced either. You could also create a list of ways to help someone who has recently lost a baby. 

  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Awareness Month
  • Mental Illness Awareness Week (October 3-9)
  • Malnutrition Awareness Week (October 4-8)
  • World Cerebral Palsy Day (October 6)
  • National Depression Screening Day (October 7)
  • World Mental Health Day (October 10)

The importance of mental health is a trend that I am happy to see has staying power. Mental health is so important, and there are so many different blog ideas you can choose from to highlight this holiday. How do you assess your own mental health? What are five things you do to pull yourself out of a bad mental health day? Is there a list of resources you can provide to those who are struggling with their mental health?

  • Metastatic Breast Cancer Awareness Day (October 13)

With Thanksgiving right around the corner, this holiday is definitely worth celebrating! (Have you ever tried to host Thanksgiving without a massive list? Disaster.) This could be a really fun way to engage with your followers on social media, too. Ask them silly questions about checklists on your Instagram stories, like “Do you cross items off a list or put an ‘x’ next to them?” or “Do you keep digital checklists or paper?” and share the results. Then send everyone to your blog to learn all about how you’re choosing to celebrate Checklist Day!

You can’t create a list of October blogging tips and content ideas and not include any information about Halloween! There are so many different ways to approach this holiday depending on your audience and your brand. Whether you’re posting about DIY costumes, scary movies, or classroom party games, just make sure that your blog makes sense for your business!

31+ Blog Post Ideas for October 2023

Ideas for Travel Bloggers

1. “The Best Halloween Road Trips”

2. “Use Your Miles for a Last-Minute Trip: Here’s How!”

Quick Tip: Providing an “insider’s guide” tutorial on the best way to use airline miles for fall travel will get you a lot of engagement (now AND in the future) from people who are confused about the system. This type of blog post is very popular! Be as detailed as possible and include screenshots of the different website screens you see as you go through the process. 

3. “Best Ways to Pack Your Fall Boots”

4. “United Nations Day: What It Is and How to Honor It”

Ideas for Food Bloggers

1.  “Halloween Treats for Every Age”

2. “3 Ways to Incorporate Apples Into Your Breakfasts”

3. “Happy Greasy Foods Day! Recipes to Commemorate It”

Quick Tip: Not all autumn foods are flavored with pumpkin spice! It’s time to branch out with this blog! What are your favorite greasy food restaurants? Can you recreate those recipes at home and share them with your followers?

4. “9 Recipes to Use Up Your Leftover Halloween Candy”

Ideas for Mom & Parenting Bloggers

1. “Trick-or-Treat Tips”

2. “Honor Teachers With These Gift Ideas for World Teachers Day”

3. “Are Your Kids Washing Their Hands Properly?”

Quick Tip: Publish this on October 15 to commemorate Global Handwashing Day. Include some fun tips to help children remember the steps of proper handwashing, and sprinkle photos or videos throughout to make this a dynamic piece of content. Want more blog post ideas for parenting experts? Leave a comment on this blog with your feedback!

4. “Best Budget Halloween Costumes for Every Age”

Ideas for Fashion Bloggers

1. “6 Ways to Find Your Fall Style”

2. “The Perfect Pumpkin Patch Outfit”

3. “Flannel, Plaid, and Sweater Dresses: Your Best Budget-Friendly Fall Looks”

Quick Tip: Can you create a Pinterest board filled with pins full of 2023 fashion and beauty inspiration for this blog! Your audience might love to see some of your favorites written up in a blog, but providing them with a Pinterest board will help to increase engagement and likability. 

4. “My Best Tips For Layering”

Ideas for Business Bloggers

1. “5 Ways to Celebrate Bosses Day”

2. “Is Your Business In A Slump? 10 Ways to Get Out of It and Get Back to Business!”

3. “It’s National Techies Day: Make the Techies on Your Team Fell Appreciated With These 3 Gift Ideas”

4. “What is World Statistics Day?”

Quick Tip: World Statistics Day falls on October 20, and it is only celebrated every five years. Compose an informational blog post about what it is, why it is celebrated so infrequently, and why it is important for businesses and the global economy. This post will position you as an industry expert. 

Ideas for Gardening Bloggers

1. “Fall Produce: How to Use It and Tips for Making It Last”

2. “Celebrate World Vegetarian Day With These Fall Produce Recipes”

3. “7 Fall Flowers to Make Your Porch Pop”

Quick Tip: For this list-style blog, give a quick description of each flower, including its general price point, how much sun it needs, and why you love it. Be sure to include a lot of vibrant photos that show off each flower’s beauty! Se if you can find some stock photos of each flower on a front porch (or use photos from your own home) to complete each flower’s section.

4. “Here’s How You Can Extend Your Gardening Season”

Ideas for Home Decor Bloggers

1. “Spooky Yard Decor – On A Budget!”

2. “Create a Drool-Worth Coffee Station”

Quick Tip: International Coffee Day is October 1, and this post is the perfect way to celebrate. You can highlight your own coffee station or pull photos from other websites. Point out things you love and things you would not recommend doing. Include links to purchase any products you discuss and invite your readers to share their own coffee stations with you on social media by creating a special hashtag. 

3. “How to Decorate for Halloween – Without the Clutter”

4. “Should You Decorate For Every Season?”

Ideas for eCommerce Business Bloggers

  1. “How to Prepare for Black Friday and Cyber Monday Sales”

Quick Tip: I know, I know – it feels like October is a long way from Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but they’re both closer than you think! Your audience will appreciate this jumpstart on their planning. What are some things that have worked well in the past for you? What are some things that you thought were going to work well, but ultimately didn’t?

2. “Does Your Business Need a Publicist?”

3. “Our Newest Fall Products”

4. “Behind-The-Scenes At Our Product Photo Shoots”

Ideas for Health/Fitness Bloggers

1. “Celebrate National Physical Therapy Month!”

2. “23 Best Mantras for Girls”

Quick Tip: Struggling with how to blog about International Day of the Girl on October 11? After a quick breakdown of the holiday and its theme for the year, you could then launch into a discussion of mantras and their importance for health and wellness. List your mantras for girls (be sure to point out your favorites!). You could even create some downloadable prints with some of the mantras on them – these are easy enough to make in Canva. 

3. “Try This Halloween-Inspired Workout”

4. “Is Vegetarianism The Right Choice For You?”

Ideas for Lifestyle Bloggers

1. “It’s World Mental Health Day: Here’s How to Check-In With Your Loved Ones”

2. “When Is The Last Time You Had A Breast Cancer Screening?”

Quick Tip: Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this could be a good way for you to create a blog around the topic in this lifestyle blog post idea. Discuss the importance of screenings, how you can do them at home, what happens during a screening, and what to do if you or a loved one have been diagnosed with breast cancer. 

3. “10 Ways to Make This The Best Halloween Ever”

4. “Real Ghost Stories [in your area]”

Short on time? Pin these blog posts for later on Pinterest!

How to Use These Blog Post Topics 

I hope these October blog post ideas have helped you create a content calendar you love for the month! Remember, these blog topics are for you to use however you wish; if you’d like to write with my ideas exactly, please go for it! And if you’d like to adapt one (or more) of the ideas to better suit your brand or niche, that’s great, too! 

Trending topics are always popular, but what’s really going to get you started is writing blog posts that excite you!

So, if October is your favorite time of year, it’s time to start using some of these writing prompts to add a few fall-themed posts to your blog content.

What’s important for me, as an SEO strategist for women entrepreneurs, is that you create content for your blog that utilizes SEO strategy and keyword research. Remember, you’ll never rank on the first page of Google without those two things! 

Ready to leverage the power of search engine optimization for your online business? There are so many ways to get support from me right now!

Interested in a done-with-you course experience to learn how to leverage SEO for your business? Join me in the FREE 5-Day Search Engine Success Challenge to learn how to leverage powerful SEO tools for your website.

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Want to take your free audit to the next level? An SEO Strategy Intensive is great for seasoned and aspiring bloggers who want to grow their blog traffic. Learn how to republish your content to boost organic traffic from Google.

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